"Death Gets a Boyfriend"
Death is in a lonely business. Since the beginning
of time he’s been reaping souls then returning home to his little condo in the
sky. It’s not a bad job. There are perks. But Death would kill to meet his soul
mate, no pun intended.
Tommy Neilson is the next human slated for death.
But when he can see Death, Tommy turns his whole world upside down. Curious,
Death seeks Tommy out. The chemistry between the two is immediate and soon an
unlikely romance starts to form. While Death may not be lonely anymore, he
isn’t allowed to interact with humans. Consequently, he must make a choice:
billions of souls or the one that makes being immortal worth it.
Get your copy today in ebook!
"The Sacrifices We Make"
Adam Jameson has always felt
like an outsider in his own home, where his parents’ constant efforts to
instill religious fervor have instead filled him with fear. Most of the
time, he just wants to stay out of everybody’s way. But when Adam is forced to volunteer
at a homeless shelter his senior year in high school, everything changes. He’s
introduced to people who care about more than religion and, as a result, he
starts to come out of his shell. For the first time in his life, Adam finds
people that he wants to be around.
Mickey Stafford lives on the streets, a teen kicked out by his parents for being
gay. He comes to the shelter for food and medical care, and after they
literally run into each other, the two boys strike up a friendship. As Mickey
introduces his new friend to the world he lives in, Adam starts to question
everything: his parents, their religion, even his own beliefs . Once Mickey
kisses him, Adam starts soul-searching and finds his heart, which is full of
love for Mickey. But these two young men will have their love put to the
test, as they face a future of uncertainty and fear.
Get your copy today in ebook or paperback!
"Grand Adventures Anthology"
"Project Fierce Charity Anthology"
"Grand Adventures Anthology"
Featuring my Short Story "When Friendship Becomes More"
On September 1, 2011, TJ Klune wrote, "...it's not about the ending, it's about the journey..." in a review of Eric Arvin's Woke Up in a Strange Place. With those words, two men began a journey of love and invited us to ride along. TJ and Eric have shared so much with us: their wonderful books, their smiles, their humor, their lives, and their inspiring devotion to each other. In December of 2013, their journey took a detour when Eric was taken to the emergency room. He survived the surgery to remove a cavernous hemangioma from his brain stem, but the challenges TJ and Eric face are far from over.
The authors in this anthology donated their talent as a way to support Eric's continued recovery, to help bring strength to TJ, and to show both of them just how much love surrounds them. Grand Adventures is a diverse range of stories about the journey of love. We're going on some grand adventures for a great cause. Thank you for joining us.
One hundred percent of the income from this volume goes directly to TJ and Eric.
Get your copy today in ebook or paperback.
"Project Fierce Charity Anthology"
Featuring my Short Story "A Mysterious Savior"
Nobody deserves to be without a home. In collaboration with several authors, Less Than Three Press offers up an anthology of stories about young people who find that home and family are not always where you expect to find them.
All proceeds from this charity anthology will be donated to Project Fierce Chicago.
Project Fierce Chicago's mission is to reduce LGBTQ youth homelessness in Chicago by providing affirming, no-cost transitional housing and comprehensive support services to homeless LGBTQ young adults. PFC also aims to encourage community-building and civic engagement through cooperative living and youth leadership development.
LT3's Project Fierce Chicago charity anthology includes 20 short stories from Aeris, Vicktor Alexander, Talya Andor, C.J. Anthony, Blaine D. Arden, Kayla Bain-Vrba, Sophie Bonaste, Kenzie Cade, Jana Denardo,Alessandra Ebulu, Dianne Hartsock, Leta Hutchins, Caitlin Ricci, Lor Rose, B. Snow, Rin Sparrow, Andrea Speed, Piper Vaughn, Layla M. Wier, and Xara X. Xanakas.
Get Your Copy Today Here!
"Kickass Anthology"
Featuring my Short Story "The Janiman"

An illustrated anthology of LGBT stories that inspire! Even a kickass hero needs a hand from a secondary
character, and Eric Arvin needs that extra power boost right now. This anthology is a volunteer effort organized by Eric’s fans and fellow writers in order to raise funds and help cover the cost of his high-tech recovery. His wicked sense of humor is intact, but his body needs a bit of assistance.
These stories are meant to inspire. They’re a warm hug, a wave from afar, a wink and a nod. Discover new authors and graphic artists as you, too, get revved up to slay whatever ails you!
character, and Eric Arvin needs that extra power boost right now. This anthology is a volunteer effort organized by Eric’s fans and fellow writers in order to raise funds and help cover the cost of his high-tech recovery. His wicked sense of humor is intact, but his body needs a bit of assistance.
These stories are meant to inspire. They’re a warm hug, a wave from afar, a wink and a nod. Discover new authors and graphic artists as you, too, get revved up to slay whatever ails you!
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