Thursday, April 17, 2014

Thursday Update-4/17/14

Hello everyone! I hope you've all had a great week so far. My week has been beyond crazy and because of it I don't really have too much to report. I spent all day yesterday in New York City. I did a couple of things when I was there, but I spent a good number of hours in a giant foodie store called Eataly. For the record, I am not a foodie and I was bored out of my mind, but my fiancee was happy. Still, I didn't get much writing done. Oh, well. I guess we can't be productive all the time. Anyway, here's what I did this week:

So when I was on the bus going to New York, I didn't work on my laptop, but I did do some outlining. I now have basic outlines for my Noxium series. I also left the door open for a second series to follow the events in the original trilogy. Now I really need more time.

And that was about it. Like I said, not very productive. Oh, but I forgot. I just got a BRAND-NEW  LAPTOP!!!!!! Yeah. I am still getting used to everything, but we all know how much fun new toys can be. Am I right?

So that's about it. I should have more information for everyone next week. Until then...


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